Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My 3rd selection for the #fivedayblackandwhitechallenge this time around has a bit more of both "black" and "white" in it than you usually get to see theses days.

My 3rd selection for the #fivedayblackandwhitechallenge  this time around has a bit more of both "black" and "white" in it than you usually get to see theses days.
What do you think of this one Tony Lazzari ? 
Tony and aren't buddies and I was surprised and honored when he tagged me to play. He's like a real photographer and stuff !!! So I've been trying to snag other peeps by surprise this round. I fully expect Wilco Wings to at first say either "What ???" or maybe even "Who ???" But hopefully, he'll add one more thought and say "Why not ?"


  1. ted kelly, I'm just a wanna be good photographer but I do appreciate the thought. I like this image a lot - technology in a natural environment, nice juxtaposition. And i appreciate you jumping back into this. Hopefully those you reach out to will do the same.

  2. ted kelly​ challenge accepted 😉
