Wednesday, November 19, 2014

And on the 4th day - B&W Farm Scene

And on the 4th day - B&W Farm Scene 

Thanks Tony Lazzari for the #fivedayblackandwhitechallenge  
In my quest to bring in people who aren't among the usual suspects I'd love to see Dryade Geo take a run at it. 

5 days, post a picture (old or new) that you shot or converted to black and white, Tag me and invite someone else...
But most of all - Have fun with it,


  1. Good morning Ted :) Beautiful shot.
    I did this last week, happy to do it again if you like..

  2. Oooh, I missed it. I'll have to go back and look. No pressure though, Only if you want to. It's getting hard to find people who haven't done it yet, eh ?

  3. ted kelly - hehehe, it can be tricky finding untagged people. Will have another go on weekend for you :)

    Its nice to sort of have direction sometimes.
