Friday, June 6, 2014

Well, G+ put this little story together for no apparent reason and I guess it does show a bit of what I've been up to.

Well,  G+ put this little story together for no apparent reason and I guess it does show a bit of what I've been up to.
For an interesting bit of Cookeville trivia, click on the link to see what famous song was inspired by a trip to  my new "home town".
Why Me Lord Story - Told and Sung By kris kristofferson


  1. ah, so beautiful! i feel aroma of all flowers!
    thanks Ted!

  2. It was my pleasure - and yes the roses smell fantastic. Did you listen to the youtube link, Olga ?

  3. That was awesome and a little strange..

  4. ted kelly is it a friendly app generated thing..or has google taken an nsa like interest in you?? Lol..just kidding.. O.o
