Sunday, June 15, 2014

I haven't shared a #sacredsunday post in too long. So why not make it a #miracle while I'm at it ?

I haven't shared a #sacredsunday  post in too long. So why not make it a #miracle  while I'm at it ? 
Yes, gasp; Theo has now shared a Fox News item. I hope that isn't one of the signs that the end is near.


  1. This title only makes sense if you first accept the author's definition of religion.  "Man made attempts to get to God."     But religion can mean other things.. such as "True and undefiled religion is this... to feed widows and orphans and to remain unspotted from the world."   

    I frankly am not on the anti-religion bandwagon.  I would rather hear of living religion v dead religion.
