Monday, May 26, 2014

So I've been trying not to complain about the newest update to the g+ app on my phone. I know it's customary to bitch up a storm at every change and I though I'd give it a fair shake for a change. There are two things though that just don't cut it for me. Since nobody else has complained I guess I'll go ahead...

So I've been trying not to complain about the newest update to the g+ app on my phone. I know it's customary to bitch up a storm at every change and I though I'd give it a fair shake for a change. There are two things though that just don't cut it for me. Since nobody else has complained I guess I'll go ahead...
If I have to edit a comment before posting it the keyboard now covers the typing area so I can't see what my correction looks like.
Also the "new posts" button covers the write new post button.
Aside from that it's all just a matter of taste. I can chalk everything else up to just me being a grumpy old fart me.


  1. I hear you ted kelly..I think the new g+ makes it harder to share and also the plus ones are acting plus one something on a community..when you go back to the's sometimes gone..I wish they (g+) would get that right...also the smile buttons are missing from my phone keyboard..whats up with that?

  2. I hadn't noticed the smiley's...
    I just wonder why nobody is griping ? We do that so well you know :+)
