Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I love playing with photos. I must have about a dozen versions of this one.

I love playing with photos. I must have about a dozen versions of this one.
Do you have any favorite apps or suggestions ? I'm limited to free one at the present and really like the snapseed that g+ has built in.


  1. Are you doing the work on a phone or a commputer? I have this app called 'paperwrite' I am still playing with it..it makes everything look like a drawing kind of...lol

  2. This was all on a phone but I do some on the computer too. You should share some of that stuff...
    Also - if you haven't done so yet you should click on this hash tag #sketchgurusaturday

  3. They're a fun crowd and while loosely connected they are good company. Zero pretension and even less drama...

  4. Thanks... I always try to shoot some of my mother in laws flowers. I think it makes us both feel good.

  5. you're welcome, thank you, they made us feel good too. welcome to google+, we've been on here for about 6or7 weeks and no drama so far, hope it stays that way, the drama needs to stay on facebook

  6. Nice! I've been here since it was in beta. I've only been in Cookeville since November though. I met my wife on Facebook and we broadcast our wedding in a G+ hangout.

  7. Hey ted kelly, I sometimes use Camera Zoom FX and Imagica+.
