Monday, May 19, 2014

I'm getting used to the I-pad. My wife used to use it to skype me. Now she can just turn her head and say "enough of the google plussing already". Anywho... I just down loaded this app and I wanted to try it out. This is just a test. No actual information or anything interesting happened here. Nothing to see folks, just move along...

I'm getting used to the I-pad. My wife used to use it to skype me. Now she can just turn her head and say "enough of the google plussing already". Anywho... I just down loaded this app and I wanted to try it out. This is just a test. No actual information or anything interesting happened here. Nothing to see folks, just move along...


  1. We're debating on an some kind of pad you type on it?

  2. Well she only got it to Skype with before we got married so I guess it's mine now.
    I prefer an android but the battery life sure is nice on this. I use the on screen keys mostly unless I'm writing something longer. Since my laptop died I am most likely to use my little LG phone as anything. Which is funny because I let my cell phone service go too and have a free Wi-Fi only phone connection.
