Tuesday, May 28, 2013

So how does "whats hot" work again ??? I keep seeing a post that is now almost 12 hours old. It has five comments and I think eight plus ones and no shares at all. What makes that "hot" ?


  1. It looks like a picture of toy squirrels. Oh, and it has over a dozen plusses now...

  2. Well, had it been a YouTube video I had an easy explanation for you. But the What's Hot section is actually the "What's Hot and recommended" section. It uses information Google maintains about you as well as the popularity of an individual post to judge what you personally should see in that section.

    Recently a lot of the ladies of G+ did an experiment, changing their profiles to Male to see how it effected it. The change was massive. Dede Craig King was one of them, so if you browse her profile I'm sure you'll find the details.

    The reason I asked if it was YouTube is that I see music videos from YouTube on What's Hot constantly that only have 2-3 plusses. But they're all for artists I've watched semi-regularly over on YouTube. Google knows what videos might interest me. It just so happens that I am never surprised by an artist I enjoy in my G+ stream and thought "hey, I should play that," but whatever.

  3. Oh yeah. I saw the gender swap thing and wasn't surprised. I forget about the recommended part. That makes sense. I should stop searching for inflatable squirrel sex toys all the time I guess...

  4. "What's hot" works the best if you turn it off.
