Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lucas Appelmann sent this link to Cliff Roth Thank to both and esp. to Max H.

Lucas Appelmann sent this link to Cliff Roth Thank to both and esp. to Max H.
Missing your circle sliders ? This might help..

Originally shared by Max Huijgen

A day of unrest as the G+ stream was broken, can now be put to bed
 Lead architect for G+ Yonatan Zunger just confirmed that two bugs caused the stream to stagnate for many users.

The stream for All Circles as well as specific circles didn´t show new posts and many users complained about a lack of interaction on their posts.  

The suspicion was that Google had introduced a new relevance algorithm overruling the users circle settings. A speculation which was fed by a change in the actual circle slider settings. Instead of a slider control over the amount of posts you would see per circle is now done with the choices normal, more, fewer and a check mark ´subscribe´

Yonatan Zunger told me these settings are just the verbose equivalents of the old slider settings.He also confirmed there were two distinct bugs which caused streams to don´t show newer posts, but as we speak they seem to be fixed.

UPDATE by Yonatan Zunger 
The mapping is:

None -> None
Some -> Fewer
More -> Standard
All -> More

Despite the renaming, "More" is actually "All." (Long story as to why this naming was chosen -- I would have preferred "All" myself) "All + Notifications" was changed to separate out the notifications into a separate control, so you could even have "None + Notifications" if you wanted. (And, in fact, some people did)

What it means in practice is that "more" means "take active measures to ensure that all the posts make it;" "standard" means "normally send the posts through, unless there's a particular reason not to;" "fewer" means "limit how much of this stuff actually gets in;" and "none" means "none." However, that's an unofficial summary, and you shouldn't take it as representing an invariant which will be preserved in the future.

The confirmation only came late so the day was filled with topics analyzing the problem as you can see here.below

Eve A with https://plus.google.com/u/0/115708174332375617872/posts/UgztJVjPVSP generating hundreds of comments

J. Rae Chip https://plus.google.com/u/0/101140516949313637221/posts/Xq8xuTSqYDA

CircleCount with a complete analysis of the thesis that interaction was down https://plus.google.com/u/0/111487545374003509241/posts/dMeuU7V2k4A

and many others. Major unrest and complete conspiracy theories sprung up based on two bugs. 

Maybe wise if Google starts showing a live status update and a list of committed changes: secrecy is the mother of all conspiracies

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