Thursday, May 30, 2013

Neo-Cons enact more JOB-KILLING legislation !

Neo-Cons enact more JOB-KILLING legislation !
Gov. Rick Scott signed bill HB 701 on Thursday, making the use of state-issued electronic benefits cards at strip clubs, liquor stores, or casinos verboten.
a tip o the hat to Laura Topliffe for posting this.


  1. I'm not sure I understand the objection to disallowing people to use the tax-funded benefits intended to provide them with food at a strip club or to gamble.  Is it really so pervasive a problem that liquor stores shall close and strippers will now be drawing their own EBT cards?

  2. It was not a sincere objection. I'm sure though that all the unemployed strippers will be blamed on Obama anyway. (or more likely) 
    Thanks Hillary!

  3. Whew!  I was afraid to click.  :P
