Friday, March 1, 2013

An early ad from what is now Exxon.

An early ad from what is now Exxon.
thanks to


  1. The left's capacity for sophistry, spin, delusion, and putting out weapons grade BULLSH!T knows no bounds. You don't even have to look hard to see that the headline of this story has been altered.
    Fossil fuels make modern life possible. These huge sources of energy work to generate steam, electricity and power transportation systems. They make the manufacturing of tens of thousands of commercial goods possible. And although fossil fuels have become synonymous with modern industrial society, their potential to solve some of the challenges of everyday existence has been understood throughout history.

  2. I'm sure it's a real advertisement. But it's not a "picture" of a real glacier in that condition because all of Humble's fuel resources could be converted to heat in a furnace ( and it would have to be a really big furnace, probably wouldn't even see the glacier behind it). It was used to generate sales in 1962 and its being use to generate fear now.
    Given, I haven't seen the/a furnace floating around with a fuel line attached •••I still say "altered" & "weapons grade bullish!t"
