Sunday, December 16, 2012

Inevitably we will see endless discussion now about gun control. I would prefer to wait a while. Both sides seem to be ramping up the heat already so here is my two cents worth. I have met James Brady and listened with an open mind to his wife. I also knew (as a very young child) Charles Whitman. I am not a supporter of the NRA or against any reasonable limitations or changes to out gun laws.I'm just an open minded citizen and an armed liberal.

Inevitably we will see endless discussion now about gun control. I would prefer to wait a while. Both sides seem to be ramping up the heat already so here is my two cents worth. I have met James Brady  and listened with an open mind to his wife. I also knew (as a very young child) Charles Whitman. I am not a supporter of the NRA or against any reasonable limitations or changes to out gun laws.I'm just an open minded citizen and an armed liberal.
 A police officer asked me once if there was anything in the car he should be aware of. I pointed out a bag containing my S&W .380 (with lock) and the separate pouch with the clip and spare ammo. He asked my why I had a gun with me. My answer was "in case I feel the need to kill someone".
He verified that my method of carrying it was legal and that it wasn't reported as stolen and gave it back. He thanked me for having the lock on it and went on his way.
If you want to discuss gun control, that's fine with me. I also keep a shotgun by my bed and I don't hunt or shoot for sport. I keep them for protection. They are good for me for one purpose only
If I were in that school I would have tried to stop that boy. More that likely, I would have died trying. I would still have to try. I would have a much better chance if I too were armed. Even if you take my guns, I would still have to try.
Thanks, that is my contribution to the discussion. Your turn now ?

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