When I was a kid all the other kids had BB guns. I really wanted one too. My mom wouldn't buy me one. She didn't trust me. She didn't think I would be able to "keep out of trouble" if I had one.
So I scrounged up some money with Coke bottles and yard work and stuff. Eventually I bought my single pump (very low power) gun from a buddy who had moved up to a better one.
Long story short - My mom was right. At least I didn't put anybodies eye out. I was better that the other kids but still got it taken away within a week.
I know the bad guys have bad-ass guns. I would completely support taking their guns away if we could figure out a way to do it. I know the police should not be asked to go protect us and then be sitting ducks for the bad guys. But is it time maybe to ask them to be responsible too. If they can't handle the weapons maybe it's time reevaluate their training or their weapons or their roles - and ours.
I understand how unpopular this question might be and accept that there may be some contention. Please if commenting on this thread, be civil to each other. Rip ME a new one if you want to tho...
Christopher Cantwell will you draw a moral judgement based on something someone did 50 years ago because he doesn't agree with you?
ReplyDeleteNah, she was right. We were shooting each other. (body shots only) Somebodies mom saw the welts. (and it was only about 47 1/2 years ago too...)
ReplyDeleteI understand what happened - while the guy did not actually shoot at the cops, he did just kill someone. I'd be scared too. I just hope that I would keep it on semi and not just blast away.