Saturday, August 11, 2012

I wonder if the presumptive Mr Romney is hiding his tax returns from his church rather than from us.


  1. If one is afraid of his/her church....something is seriously wrong. IMO

  2. Okay. Mitt Romney paid three-and-a-half million dollars in taxes last year. Mitt Romney paid $4.7 million in taxes in 2010. So if you add that up, you get $8.2 million in taxes Romney has paid in the past two years. Is that what the Democrats call not paying your taxes? So $8.2 million in federal taxes the last two years. I kid you not. US News & World Report has just posted the following link. "Here's How Mitt Romney Might Have Paid No Taxes." They've had somebody on their staff look at a whole bunch of hypotheticals and come up with a way that a guy like Romney might not have paid any taxes. I don't know if this is for ten years or what, but they've actually done it. So a lie has come to life in the left-wing media. It is said, by the way, that Romney paid 42% of his 2011 income in taxes and charity. Let's see Dingy Harry's. Let's see his returns so that we can compare.

    McCain received more than two decades worth of Romney's tax returns as the former Massachusetts governor was undergoing the vetting process four years ago, far more than Romney has released publicly in the 2012 campaign.
