Friday, August 24, 2012

Do you think the government should be making your decisions ?

Do you think the government should be making your decisions ?


  1. Maria Ciano who is featured in the web video has been a registered Democrat since October 2006 according to voter registration records.
    "People like me and my family have realized that the Republican Party once was inline with our views, but are no longer," the Colorado resident says in the video.

  2. BuzzFeed reports that one of the women featured in the campaign's "Republican Women for Obama" ad is ... wait for it ... a Democrat. Odds on whether lying liar Stephanie Cutter thought this was a good idea?

  3. ok - and the part where she admits to changing sides doesn't  sort of give a clue that she - gasp- isn't a republican any more ? btw while buzzfeed is now being cited extensively on this. A quick search on the internet will show
    the author to have reputationl difficulties too. hmm...
