Sunday, August 5, 2012

Reshared due to deleting the original post.

Reshared due to deleting the original post. 
All opinions are welcome - presenting lies as fact is not. 

Originally shared by ted kelly

The interrogation continued, and one of West’s troops lost his temper and started slapping the man. West then had his men take the prisoner outside, where he again threatened the man, telling him that he would kill him on the count of five if he didn’t tell what he knew.


  1. Chelle Killilea thank you for your comment. I have lived through it (Nam-1964) and seen what we did, and what they did all of it. You are 100% we, who lived it, carry it for the rest of our lives.
    As for his opinion and voice. He owns it!
    We can agree with it or not, our choice.

  2. Chelle Killilea glad to have added my 2 cents :-)

  3. I think he should have defended his actions then. Either that or have accepted responsibility and failing that at least to show some remorse. He has said he would do it again so doesn't that indicate that he thought it was right ? Maybe it was the right thing. The Afghan army seems to have aproved. If it was right though, why did he take the article 15 ? Did he value his very honor at a mere $5000 ?

  4. Here goes. This is all settled history. It is/was over years ago. The subject has been brought up anew as a way to discredit him for this political cycle. He won his last race against an incumbent and this time they have weak candidates against him, even in a democrat district. We'll see if it works

  5. He does know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. I'd prob'ly choose not to go up against Frankel too...
