West - on disability = slavery
I Give Up ! I had (I think) a calm, obviously true and not too complicated reply to this. Before I posted it though I did a search and spoke to some people (IRL)
Good, smart and reasonable people I know and all over the web buy this crap. Hook line and sinker, they just eat it up. The same people think it's appropriate, acceptable and even necessary to make it as hard and expensive as possible for people to get health insurance. Some want to repeal the voting rights act. Many want to do away with OSHA, ADA, EPA, CDC, NIH etc...
Good people. Smart people. Caring and generous people. They believe that this way is our only hope for the future. When a wheelchair bound person with a "scooter" sales business thinks that the ADA is an insidious example of creeping socialism I just have to surrender. When someone whose opinion you value tells you that he'd rather chose to pay 20% of his income to heath coverage than have the government make him pay only 6% I just can't go on...
It is getting weird, sadly because of their voters' ignorance the whole country has to suffer. These guys will say anything as long they get their money from corporations.