Sunday, July 15, 2012

Well, I have done my good deed and visited the sick and lame in my "Crap-Circle". I even took a side trip following some drama down a dark alley to see what is happening outside the box circle...

Well, I have done my good deed and visited the sick and lame in my "Crap-Circle". I even took a side trip following some drama down a dark alley to see what is happening outside the box circle...

The sickos are still sick and the haters still hate the Gnu's are still noodley and the whiners are still whining about each other. Rage quitters are still promising threatening to leave and the guys on the extreme ends of the political spectrum are still lying and believing as hard as they can.

In summation: Same Stuff Different Day. Lovers still love and that means one thing. If you can read this, I love you. Thanks for the doggy, kitty, poetry, music and artsy stuff. Thanks for the +1's and comments and sharing your interests and sometimes your lives. And Happy Gummi Worm Day everybody.

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