Monday, July 23, 2012

Is this for real ?

Is this for real ?


  1. it's for real... it would be true here in the US as well if ole ronnie hadn't've done away with the Fairness Doctrine

  2. is that a word [hadn't've]? i say it but don't seem to write it much... hmmm

  3. I do believe it is he-yuh in South.... (note <--- capital S)

  4. "Stop talking about the South. As long as you're south of the Canadian Border, you're in the South." Malcolm X

  5. I find it sad that the people of Canada are not intelligent enough to be able THINK for themselves and have to have the GOVERNMENT do it for them.. Let me ask do you have to ask the government when to EAT, WAKE UP, GO TO BED, etc.. ?? Here’s a clue IF you THINK your NOT getting the TRUTH .. CHANGE THE CHANNEL that is WHY they put those buttons on the remote..
    WHY do you have to have your GOVERNMENT decide what is truth and what is NOT..?? Here in the U.S.A. we have those who are unable to THINK for themselves we call them PROGRESSIVES.. they wait for the GOVERNMENT to tell them what to THINK .. have to say there are only 20% of the populace who are PROGRESSIVES and my guess if given an IQ test they would score 65 .. It is MSM (MAIN STREAM MEDIA) in the USA who are the ones telling lies IF by no other reason their OMISSION of all the FACTS.. I read years ago that England and Canada like to control their populace by ONLY giving them GOOD news.. cause they don’t think your smart enough to be told the facts.. have to ask.. are you allowed to get foreign news via the internet?? or do they CONTROL that too?? Do your politicians ever lie to you?? are they on the telly when they do??? would that NOT be against the law or do you just like being lied to so it’s ok they don’t tell you truth..Have to ask since you DON’T get FOX in CANADA .. how do you know they lie??? DID your government tell you?? GUESS if your taking their side they are right your NOT smart enough to have the truth…

  6. well in amerika... foxnews watchers are the least informed and comedy central watchers the most informed... so that's gotta tell ya something bubba.

  7. Yep, I'll take Stewart over Hannity any day.

  8. Sorry, reread sounds a little too strong. I just over reacted. When MSM makes up stuff and not held accountable ( blowing up trucks to prove how unsafe they are) (out and out making up stuff about the tea party ( spitting on congressmen) etc., etc.
    I'm not saying Fox is the one and only. Not at all.
    Have any of you heard the unemployment first time request last Friday?? It was not spoken or written about anywhere it was 390000. That's up 20000 from the week before. ""unexpected rise" - again
    It was nearly impossible to find this news.
    They all want to tell us what we should care about and I hate it

  9. Well I get all my news from the internet so you know I don't believe anything any more. Thanks for a great conversation btw. Sorry I was indisposed. <---- (I lied there) I was indisposed but just being polite about the sorry part...

  10. John Dowling if the world worked the way you think it does, it would be nice. The rest of us don't like:
    1. Unsolicited phone calls
    2. Neighbors dogs pooping on our lawn
    3. Food Poisoning
    4. Having to worry about safe drinking water
    5. Garbage in the street
    et cetera, but especially we don't like fucking liars with their own TV station whose actual target audience is angry white men that yell at their TV and whose news managers (Roger Ailes) tell the reporters what to say every morning in the email. The Fairness Doctrine was about keeping liars from getting the upper hand. By the way, are you enjoying the fruits of bank deregulation yet?

  11. Too many people in the media cannot seem to tell the difference between reporting the news and creating propaganda.
    So many in the media cannot resist turning every tragedy into a political talking point
    NBC News (not Fox, this time) apparently could not resist doctoring the transcript of the conversation between George Zimmerman and the police after the Trayvon Martin shooting. Now ABC News (again not Fox News) took the fact that the man arrested for the shooting in Colorado was named "unnamed by me" to broadcast to the world the fact that there is a "unnamed by me" who is a member of the Tea Party in Colorado.
    If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly.
    The problem is that too many people are too committed to a vision to allow mere facts to interfere with their beliefs, and the sense of superiority that those beliefs give them.

    Any discussion of facts is futile when directed at such people. All anyone can do is warn others about the propaganda.

  12. Like US and GB - divided by a common language - same thing here - Divided by the shared vision of $$$

  13. ted kelly is correct because he understands the motivation that drives the system and that it takes a short view.

    John Dowling conflates this with all deliberate misreporting which is a fine point, but important.

    The difference is identifying frequency and signal strength. Unfortunately we were not taught Information Science when it was introduced in the late 40s because nobody thought it was important except a few forward thinking people like Luis Borgia and he wasn't influential in the US. Today, we have to understand the nature of information processing and community collaboration in creating personal filters. MSNBC versus FOX is a problem not because they are on opposite ends, but because by creating a high contrast filter, you exclude the rest of the world. Like it or not, the fact is that the US is an average place to live and that means that half the world lives in better conditions than we do. That is a sobering thought.

    By the way, I have been threatened by Tea Party protesters  and one of my students was saved from assault by a police officer. So I happen to believe Tea Party protesters are pretty darn irrational. Also their spelling sucks.

  14. Bob Calder ted kelly I'm enjoying this conversation and have added Bob to my circles. I've got some work that has to be finished today, however I would like to continue later on. So tired of people screaming at each other rather than listening and learning.
    Make it a great day fellows.
