Thursday, May 31, 2012

I didn't hear anything about a writing project for June. Just a reminder....

I didn't hear anything about a writing project for June. Just a reminder....
June is Celibacy Awareness Month

Originally shared by ted kelly

Originally shared by ted kelly

follow this and keep the ones you find interesting...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

follow this and keep the ones you find interesting...



Originally shared by PJ Ammidon

Originally shared by PJ Ammidon

My son's friend is missing.
Please Look at this Missing Poster and consider posting it wherever you can.
Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc ...
Here is a link to the full story and all the details on the Facebook Missing Page:


Thank you.
#Help #Missing #News #NYC #NewYorkCity #BreakfastClub #photo #FindPierce
cc Thomas Hawk Vivienne Gucwa Lotus Carroll Robert Scoble Trey Ratcliff Colby Brown Mike Shaw Vic Gundotra



Originally shared by ****

I was born into a family of "Yankees". We moved back to the south (thank Gawd) when I was five. (Okay, not the "real" south, but south Florida anyway)

I was born into a family of "Yankees". We moved back to the south (thank Gawd) when I was five. (Okay, not the "real" south, but south Florida anyway)
I remember my older sister coming home from school in a fit. She had lost the spelling bee on a three syllable word. Dock-tore-in it seems was NOT spelled (as she thought) DOCTRINE ???

"Young lady", they told her. "Any fool knows that it's spelled DOCTORING

Curious ?

Curious ?

Monday, May 28, 2012

Home at last from the #hippiehirl - My videos came out bad but some of it got recorded by pros. Here is a taste. I'll upload some pix tomorrow. The thing that really blew me away... Four days, thousands of hippies some stayed and camped and some came for a day and on Sunday night when the gospel show was starting - I couldn't find one scrap of garbage or even a cigarette butt on the ground. I'm going back to Hippie Jacks

Home at last from the #hippiehirl - My videos came out bad but some of it got recorded by pros. Here is a taste. I'll upload some pix tomorrow. The thing that really blew me away... Four days, thousands of hippies some stayed and camped and some came for a day and on Sunday night when the gospel show was starting - I couldn't find one scrap of garbage or even a cigarette butt on the ground. I'm going back to Hippie Jacks

Thursday, May 24, 2012

#hippiehirl I'm off to Hippie Jack's. Any body heading towards Tenn. - holler at me...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Is this what they call "Code Blue" ?

Is this what they call "Code Blue" ?

I don't expect a lot of action on this post. More's the shame.

I don't expect a lot of action on this post. More's the shame.

I apologize to the original poster. This is a good quick read and you may be surprised at their findings. Seriously, take a look - if you dare

I apologize to the original poster. This is a good quick read and you may be surprised at their findings. Seriously, take a look - if you dare

I won't mention the teabagger poster I stole this from. He did seem to be trolling enjoying the comments and defending the notion that taxes are for the less fortunate. I think he was enjoying the 2 billion dollar loss too. Poor newlywed Z-berg. Karma much ?

I won't mention the teabagger poster I stole this from. He did seem to be trolling enjoying the comments and defending the notion that taxes are for the less fortunate. I think he was enjoying the 2 billion dollar loss too. Poor newlywed Z-berg. Karma much ?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

More like Google+ if you ask me. Hangouts, mobile apps sharing with strangers...

More like Google+ if you ask me. Hangouts, mobile apps sharing with strangers...

Originally shared by Samuel Brecher
Scott Olsen just tossed his medals.

Vets marching in Chicago. Est. 75K for NATO protest

Vets marching in Chicago. Est. 75K for NATO protest

Mr Mozart has piqued my curiosity and I decided to go looking for some of his "naughty" channels. No, they aren't his - he seems to object to them. Anywhooo... I found this first. I simply must get one of these umbrellas.

Mr Mozart has piqued my curiosity and I decided to go looking for some of his "naughty" channels. No, they aren't his - he seems to object to them. Anywhooo... I found this first. I simply must get one of these umbrellas.
Just imagine an internet with proper language. I guess I'd miss teh kitties.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Chicago protesters just broke through the police lines - the police don't seem to be pleased.

Please share this link

Please share this link

Originally shared by Occupy The Polls

Tim Pool streaming live #OccupyChicago

"Very large crowd making its way through Chicago."


watch live >>

A delightful and quite short piece that packs a nice punch. Enjoy and reshare. Thank you David.

A delightful and quite short piece that packs a nice punch. Enjoy and reshare. Thank you David.

Originally shared by The Narratorium

A bit of fun with alternative history here, a response to another Flash Fiction challenge from Chuck Wendig, who is keeping me honest in my determination to keep writing new stuff all the time.

#caturday This might explain some of my cats behaviors.

#caturday This might explain some of my cats behaviors.

Friday, May 18, 2012

I hope to stop by here next weekend.

I hope to stop by here next weekend.

#hippiehirl #folkfriday #folkmusicfriday I posted some good links and better music with the hippiehirl hashtag...

#hippiehirl #folkfriday #folkmusicfriday I posted some good links and better music with the hippiehirl hashtag...
Wouldn't it be funny if everybody ditched Facebook now. I wonder what the price would do ?

I'm not a photographer (I just play one on G+) but you are. So check this bad boy out...

I'm not a photographer (I just play one on G+) but you are. So check this bad boy out...

Originally shared by Benjamin Ben
HIRL anyone ?

I have been trying for five minutes to write this without offending the fans of the left turn. I know it's NASCAR Day and all that but what the heck...

I have been trying for five minutes to write this without offending the fans of the left turn. I know it's NASCAR Day and all that but what the heck...

Formula DRIFT on June 1 & 2, Palm Beach International Raceway !

Now for a different kind of circle..

Now for a different kind of circle..

Check out the Top 10 Things You Can Do at Home to Protect Endangered Species. Pick one to do on Endangered Species Day and try the rest of the list throughout the year.

Check out the Top 10 Things You Can Do at Home to Protect Endangered Species. Pick one to do on Endangered Species Day and try the rest of the list throughout the year.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

#SeaMonkeys #seamonkey I smell a trend...

#SeaMonkeys #seamonkey I smell a trend...

You "marketing" experts should look at this. There is a good lesson here for you. For that matter the fine and commercial artists, writers and history buffs too... Besides it's National Sea-Monkey Day !

You "marketing" experts should look at this. There is a good lesson here for you. For that matter the fine and commercial artists, writers and history buffs too... Besides it's National Sea-Monkey Day !


What would a holiday like National Sea-Monkey Day be without an advertisement. (pfft - silly consumer)

#seamonkey Hey it's National Sea-Monkey Day This calls for a real celebration..

#seamonkey Hey it's National Sea-Monkey Day This calls for a real celebration..

National Sea-Monkey Day ! - Before you pass this post by STOP and savor the memories. You just got to the end of that comic book and there was that page with all the cool stuff.

National Sea-Monkey Day ! - Before you pass this post by STOP and savor the memories. You just got to the end of that comic book and there was that page with all the cool stuff.
The X-Ray Specs were a bummer but the Spy-Periscope had been pretty cool, right ? How about some Sea-Monkeys ? Ah, the lessons learned...
Snail mail took too long (and the term wasn't even invented yet) Marketing was, no offense, bullshit and shipping and handling was a racket. All lessons that we had to learn over and over again ?
So pass on this post if you want to. (obviously it needed a little help or why did I put so much effort into the header?) Just remember one thing -
Wait, There's More

Monday, May 14, 2012

“A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.”

“A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.”
—Thomas Mann

My first "share" from "The Story" - A great program.

My first "share" from "The Story" - A great program.
Along with the doom and gloom are a couple of treats.
A video of Naadam - The Festival of games
Mongolia Naadam: Festival of Games
and a sound file - very nice (Mothers Tribute)

I'm surprised this isn't more popular in tornado alley.

I'm surprised this isn't more popular in tornado alley.

Originally shared by ted kelly

This makes sense on so many levels.
I live in a hurricane zone - 'nuff said...
(pun intended)

For a mother who sends her son or daughter off to war, there is nothing harder than hearing the news that their child will not be coming home. Sadly, many mothers have, and continue, to face this grim reality as time passes.

For a mother who sends her son or daughter off to war, there is nothing harder than hearing the news that their child will not be coming home. Sadly, many mothers have, and continue, to face this grim reality as time passes.

This makes sense on so many levels.

This makes sense on so many levels.
I live in a hurricane zone - 'nuff said...
(pun intended)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I thought there was something wrong with me when I didn't want to join Google+...

I thought there was something wrong with me when I didn't want to join Google+...

Originally shared by Kwan Nam

Antisocial Media Disorder?

Try eFrienda!!!

via Mia Wenjen
What do you say after an hour long discussion about the existence of objective moral values ? Saying good night just seems wrong..

Congrats M.M. You Rock!

Congrats M.M. You Rock!

My +1 shares don't seem to be posting - had to cut/paste this one.(twice)

My +1 shares don't seem to be posting - had to cut/paste this one.(twice)
Hey there - just checking in. No need for a lengthly reply if you aren't feeling ok. Maybe a +1 or something ?
May 12, 1847.This is the anniversary of the invention of the odometer by Mormon pioneer William Clayton while crossing the plains in a covered wagon. Previous to this, mileage was calculated by counting the revolutions of a rag tied to a spoke of a wagon

Remember people who e-mailed you jokes ? (all the time) I still have one of them..

Remember people who e-mailed you jokes ? (all the time) I still have one of them..
.I was in a pub last Saturday night, and drank a few. I noticed two large women by the bar. They both had strong accents so I asked, "Hey, are you two ladies from Ireland?"

One of them chirped, "It's WALES, you friggin' idiot!" So, I immediately apologized and said, "Sorry, are you two whales from Ireland ?"

That's the last thing I remember…

Congrat M.M. Though I find it hard to believe you've never been a cover girl before...

Congrat M.M. Though I find it hard to believe you've never been a cover girl before...

I could have guessed who was the plussiest peep on the plus. Missus Bliss is like twenty times cooler than I.(is)

I could have guessed who was the plussiest peep on the plus. Missus Bliss is like twenty times cooler than I.(is)

In south Florida we celebrate by sending all the "snowbirds" back home.

In south Florida we celebrate by sending all the "snowbirds" back home.

A runcible tune.

A runcible tune.

Who wants to start a Google+ Choir " ?

Who wants to start a Google+ Choir " ?
That would make a good hangout...
Ordination is free - Certificate with gold seal costs $10.00
Check (online here if you want) for laws where you live.
In Florida (where I live) this satisfies the legal requirement
to become registered to perform weddings and such.
The ULC supports many faiths Christian and others

As an occupier I'm more interested in the concept and practice of Fair Trade. As a poor person though, I sure could use $250. Hurry Offer ends soon...

As an occupier I'm more interested in the concept and practice of Fair Trade. As a poor person though, I sure could use $250. Hurry Offer ends soon...

I never had a clue how mixed and strong the feelings about this were.

I never had a clue how mixed and strong the feelings about this were.

The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea

The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
'O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you are!'

It's Limerick Day twelfth of May

It's Limerick Day twelfth of May
with your words you may all start to play
So let's celebrate Lear
since his birthday is here
and yes, naughty ones are okay

I was going to post some really cool pix of goofy golf features or tell a short tale about a first date. Once I found this I had to share it. Now I know that mini-golf actually started at St. Andrews....

I was going to post some really cool pix of goofy golf features or tell a short tale about a first date. Once I found this I had to share it. Now I know that mini-golf actually started at St. Andrews....
thanks to -

Friday, May 11, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

#reptilethursday Jim Morrison

#reptilethursday Jim Morrison

Why the desire for death.

A clean paper or pure white wall.
One false
line, a scratch, a mistake.
Unerasable. So obscureby
adding million other
tracings, blend it
,cover over.
But the original scratch
remains, written in
gold blood, shining.

Desire for a Perfect Life

Give your soul to Jesus

Give your soul to Jesus
'cuz your lips are mine...

A good thought for today. (or every day)

A good thought for today. (or every day)

#reptilethursday Reptile Thursday ? Really ???

#reptilethursday Reptile Thursday ? Really ???

Please, somebody check this out. It's very short but not so sweet. Please tell me it's all wrong...

Please, somebody check this out. It's very short but not so sweet. Please tell me it's all wrong...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cowbird is a small community of storytellers, focused on a deeper, longer-lasting, more personal kind of storytelling than you’re likely to find anywhere else on the Web.

Cowbird is a small community of storytellers, focused on a deeper, longer-lasting, more personal kind of storytelling than you’re likely to find anywhere else on the Web.
Cowbird allows you to keep a beautiful audio-visual diary of your life, and to collaborate with others in documenting the overarching “sagas” that shape our world today.
Our short-term goal is to pioneer a new form of participatory journalism, grounded in the simple human stories behind major news events. Our long-term goal is to build a public library of human experience, so the knowledge and wisdom we accumulate as individuals may live on as part of the commons, available for this and future generations to look to for guidance.

I saw this on fb -

I saw this on fb -

Occupy Together
Need a ride to Chicago for the NATO summit? How about a free bus ticket? Seats are limited and will be provided on first come, first serve basis.

I'm a Florida Cracker so take it from me. Don't mess around with melanoma.

I'm a Florida Cracker so take it from me. Don't mess around with melanoma.

Good Morning

Good Morning

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Particle Adventure

The Particle Adventure

Want to know more about leptons, bosons, neutrinos and the stuff the world is made of? This website takes you on an interactive tour through the fantastic world of quarks, antimatter, extra dimensions and dark matter. Difficult topics are presented in a way that makes particle physics a cakewalk. No math involved! Well, almost.

What's Hot ? Kathy Morlock !!! lubs n kissies back

What's Hot ? Kathy Morlock !!! lubs n kissies back

Originally shared by Kathy Brown

Goodnight lil' babies...i lubbs yous xxx

Lady Gaga received +1019 plusses and 97 shares for this. I want to see how many I get... if any ....

Even going to add a big picture like she did...
want to make this even

Originally shared by Kathy Brown

Originally shared by Kathy Brown

Goodnight lil' babies...i lubbs yous xxx

Lady Gaga received +1019 plusses and 97 shares for this. I want to see how many I get... if any ....

Even going to add a big picture like she did...
want to make this even

This is something I was going to post for tomorrow. Would you like it instead ?

This is something I was going to post for tomorrow. Would you like it instead ?
edit here -
shoot - my holiday site must have mixed up the dates - sorry

Hope "Original" - Christoffer Brandsborg


Wildflowers do much more than add beauty to the landscape. They help conserve water, reduce mowing costs, provide habitat for birds, butterflies and other wildlife, protect the soil and save money on fertilizer and pesticides. Also, as Lady Bird Johnson said, native plants "give us a sense of where we are in this great land of ours."

Wildflowers do much more than add beauty to the landscape. They help conserve water, reduce mowing costs, provide habitat for birds, butterflies and other wildlife, protect the soil and save money on fertilizer and pesticides. Also, as Lady Bird Johnson said, native plants "give us a sense of where we are in this great land of ours."

A test of both Phonevite and Googlevoice. I robocalled my Occupy Palm Beach phone number and here is what I got. Not perfect, but not too bad.

A test of both Phonevite and Googlevoice. I robocalled my Occupy Palm Beach phone number and here is what I got. Not perfect, but not too bad.

edit - The sound quality was good. I just played the Phonevite msg while recording the soundcloud file. That's why it sounds so muffled. For best effect - click on the soundcloud file>press play and then click on the screen pic... (and No, I'm not Jack - I just play one one on TV)

Well - I set up a test call with 14 occupiers. Feedback has been mixed. Only one person blocked though!

Well - I set up a test call with 14 occupiers. Feedback has been mixed. Only one person blocked though!

Originally shared by ted kelly

Since some of the 99% can't afford computers and so many detest the social media"... I'm working with OPB to try to get this up and running. Any thoughts?

Since some of the 99% can't afford computers and so many detest the social media"... I'm working with OPB to try to get this up and running. Any thoughts?

Since some of the 99% can't afford computers and so many detest the social media"... I'm working with OPB to try to get this up and running. Any thoughts?


You are about to become an ordained minister of the
Universal Life Church, Modesto, California.

Our mission to bring Good health, Joy and World Peace is once again being reaffirmed by thousands of people gathered to promote the benefits of unconditional laughter.

Our mission to bring Good health, Joy and World Peace is once again being reaffirmed by thousands of people gathered to promote the benefits of unconditional laughter.

”We feel like if Jesus was here on earth, Cotton-Eyed Joe’s is where he’d be hanging out. He didn’t sit back in the synagogues and wait for people to come in. He went out and hung out with sinners.”

”We feel like if Jesus was here on earth, Cotton-Eyed Joe’s is where he’d be hanging out. He didn’t sit back in the synagogues and wait for people to come in. He went out and hung out with sinners.”

Doubt is not a bad thing.

Doubt is not a bad thing.

What would Jesus think of this ?

What would Jesus think of this ?

For some things you don't need to translate.

For some things you don't need to translate.

Originally shared by Santiago Sanz Lastra

JAJAJA, alguien se anima

Today is Joseph Brackett Day

Today is Joseph Brackett Day

Saturday, May 5, 2012

When Steampunksters go through the airport.

When Steampunksters go through the airport.

Comments disabled - please share at will but reply on original. This should be trending.

Comments disabled - please share at will but reply on original. This should be trending.

We make such a big deal out of "human rights" issues too. Please sign and/or share.

We make such a big deal out of "human rights" issues too. Please sign and/or share.

For all you Steampunk Lovers.

For all you Steampunk Lovers.

National Homebrew Day

National Homebrew Day
I can't believe I've never tried this. (Yet)

Obviously, this must have been written by a dog. #caturday

Obviously, this must have been written by a dog. #caturday
ted kelly hung out with 1 person.Ila East
ted kelly hung out with 1 person.Ila East

Friday, May 4, 2012

I didn't know he was from Miami !

I didn't know he was from Miami !

I am getting tired of being outraged. Please share.

I am getting tired of being outraged. Please share.

Originally shared by michael custer

thanx anna hat tip to

thanx anna hat tip to

"We've painted ourselves into a corner where the only choice is real nightmare - triage, epidemic disease, famine, fascism, the collapse of human rights - or a leap to an entirely different level. We've taken business-as-usual off the menu. Now only the extreme possibilities loom."
Terence McKenna
Source: Tripping

Friends, circlers and you too, over in the corner, a word if I may.

Friends, circlers and you too, over in the corner, a word if I may.
Everyone seems shocked and dismayed that the "government" want to spy on us. I don't understand why "FBI" isn't trending. I've seen it at least twenty times in the last thirty minutes.
Don't be alarmed. They have always had a "backdoor" for this stuff. They see every post and comment. They hear every phone call. Same thing with every tweet and pin and text. Every one of them.
If you want to be alarmed at anything - be shocked that we allow it and even actually want it. Not our own msgs of course but everybody elses. Own up to it. You/We don't want any of THEM (pick you own group) getting away with anything.

Does any of that still bother you ? Is there anything you can do ?
Hello ! Maybe the sign was right and you weren't paying attention.



Originally shared by ****

Originally shared by ****

Moan Lisa's 'Deep Thinkers' Shared Circle

recommended by the google+ community

i would like to call for your participation today in #philosophyfriday, curated by our very own Jeremy Dahl. this hashtag event is curated weekly, and if you are interested in participating or helping to organize future events, please get in touch with Jeremy for that. (make sure also to circle Philosophy Friday)

for your participation, all you need to do is make one or more posts dealing however loosely with the subject of philosophy, and add the hashtag somewhere in the text of your post. since it is friday, and a lot of people are feeling the weight of the week on them, i'd also like to call some attention to everyone's favorite in-house comedian & philosopher, Philosoraptor; by asking those of you who want to be a little less-serious with your posts, to post some of your favorite Philosoraptor memes, and double-tag them: #Philosoraptor #philosophyfriday

I was going to post pix for No Pants Day, but this is prob'ly better.

I was going to post pix for No Pants Day, but this is prob'ly better.

#hippiehirl This Memorial Day Weekend !

#hippiehirl This Memorial Day Weekend !

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gary Nicholson with special guest Colin Linden perform during the Jammin at Hippie Jack's Americana Music Festival in Overton County, TN.

Gary Nicholson with special guest Colin Linden perform during the Jammin at Hippie Jack's Americana Music Festival in Overton County, TN.

One More Last Chance #hippiehirl

We always lose the best ones too soon.

We always lose the best ones too soon.

A sample of what you can find at a #hippiehirl

A sample of what you can find at a #hippiehirl

Anybody up for a Hippie HIRL ?

Anybody up for a Hippie HIRL ?
At first we recorded our TV shows without an audience. We had the stage, and the musicians did their part. But we missed the fun and energy of a live audience. Hippie suggested a music festival here on the farm and the rest is history. Great Americana music. Friendly people. Family atmosphere. Beautiful countryside. Come on, be a hippie for a weekend.

G+ is my garden. You are my flowers...

G+ is my garden. You are my flowers...

Martin Z. Mollusk Day

Martin Z. Mollusk Day
The consistent prognosticator has correctly predicted the early arrival of summer for the past 37 years by seeing his shadow in the sands adjacent to the Music Pier

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

At 3 AM this morning, over 30 Dekalb County law enforcement officers swooped in to illegally evict Christine Frazer and her family from their home of 18 years.

At 3 AM this morning, over 30 Dekalb County law enforcement officers swooped in to illegally evict Christine Frazer and her family from their home of 18 years.
The scene resembles that of a drug bust or a raid on criminal activity, and has left a family consisting of four generations sitting on the curb with nowhere to go.
Officers are now restricting access to the street to all Occupy Atlanta activists who are trying to retrieve the family's valuable personal belongings.

Share this everywhere. Because 1. It's important. 2. It's actually pretty cool. 3. Because I said so...

Share this everywhere. Because 1. It's important. 2. It's actually pretty cool. 3. Because I said so...

In order to help people better understand the connection between negative attitudes, stress and health, pleas take a moment visit -

In order to help people better understand the connection between negative attitudes, stress and health, pleas take a moment visit -

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Twenty more minutes. Almost quitting time. Why do Mondays always seem to take so long to be over. It started out okay, but after lunch, yikes...

Twenty more minutes. Almost quitting time. Why do Mondays always seem to take so long to be over. It started out okay, but after lunch, yikes...

Yikes was not the word Tim really thought. He’d learned through endless training sessions to actually think that way. Keep it tight on the inside because it shows on the outside. Tim, it seems tended to think out loud sometimes.

Fifteen left to go. Nothing to do except tie things up and get ready for the ride home. He looked left then right, nobody looking, so he loosened his tie. Just a bit. Not like the boss wanted, but a little bit.

Ten minute mark. Official time to close down files. “Don’t forget to back-up”, he could almost hear the “workplace specialist”. Again, not the word Tim really thought. He could actually hear Jim, in the next “cube” shutting down just a little early. He’d have some explaining to do tomorrow.

Five minutes, almost there. The senior analysts and supervisors began to move about. Mr Jones had his laptop in his travel case already. This was just about the best part of the day. Almost anyway. You could smell the anticipation, taste the freedom just moments away.

Finally, the mad rush to the door. Outside was, well, different. No sitting and waiting and watching the clock. Random looking movement sudden and unstoppable. Some to the bus stop and others to the parking garage. The bicyclists already riding off, free and getting farther away faster and sooner.

One leg over and one leg down. One sudden push and then both on the ground. One look left and another to the right and then, finally. Timmy was one. One with the wind and the sun and free.


May I try my hand at "change" ?
Ooops, I jumped in too soon. So sorry but I'll be skipping the May I month. Have a great time though. I wish I could hang but maybe next month.