Saturday, May 12, 2012

It's Limerick Day twelfth of May

It's Limerick Day twelfth of May
with your words you may all start to play
So let's celebrate Lear
since his birthday is here
and yes, naughty ones are okay


  1. I'm posting a comment today
    as if I had something to say
    but I'm just wasting time
    writing this rhyme
    with coffee this twelfth day of may.

  2. I enjoyed the photos JB. I'm seriously considering getting engaged soon and those pics were a nice "prompt" and brightened my morning greatly

  3. There was a young hooker from Crewe
    who filled her vagina with glue;
    Said she with a grin
    "since they'll pay to get in,
    they can pay to get out of it too."
    -Christopher Hitchens? (He recited it, I don't know if he wrote it)

  4. Awww, thanks. I highly recommend a destination wedding, as it works out a lot cheaper than doing a large wedding at home...
