Sunday, March 11, 2012

Libertatianism now, libertarianism forever - unless socialism works out better for me of course...

Libertatianism now, libertarianism forever - unless socialism works out better for me of course...

Originally shared by Peter Smalley


There's rhetoric, and then there's how it works in the real world.

The rhetoric is that it is unconstitutional to require a US citizen to purchase insurance.

In the real world, the plaintiff for just such a lawsuit is now declaring bankruptcy because of medical bills she can't pay - because she didn't buy insurance. And the taxpayer will have to pay the bill.

Learn. Learn. Learn.


  1. So? We pick up the tab for EVERYONE. Why not for someone who needed help? I'd feel a lot better paying for her than giving my money to the oil companies (who are still collecting tons from taxpayers in subsidies).

  2. Oh no!! I don't begrudge her the help or support. I just find it ironic that so many who speak out against government interference are so eager to take the assistance.

  3. Pain and fear are great motivators. I don't have insurance right now. If I was to break something or develop a disease, I'd take whatever help I could get without a second thought. Hell, we give medical help away to illegals and new immigrants. Why should the citizens of this country be turned away?

    At bottom, medical treatment is everyone's right. The insurance companies have turned it into a business but you can't put a cost on health. It's a travesty that they've gotten away with doing exactly that.

  4. I agree. Now if the Anti-Obamacare folks would just think about it for a moment. I mean think for themselves and not just listen to others...
