I can't always tell the difference. Tolerance for example - I'd rather accept everyone, as they are and love them. (YOU) On the other hand - I hide myself from many because of their actions and reactions. I would love to think most people were good but I fear that they are not.
I understand the attempt to simplify the spectrum of emotions down to two basic root emotions, and I hate to be semantic, but I really do not think it is that easy. In order to do this we have to redefine fear or water down it's meaning, and I don't think that's appropriate. I can think of many negative emotions which do not stem from actual fear. Fear is a distressing sensation induced by a perceived threat. I think a lot of negative emotions stem from the exact opposite of a perceived threat. A person who feels like they are untouchable will generally treat the people around them poorly, for example. We see this commonly with celebrities/divas. I'm sure the same applies to politicians, businessmen, etc...