Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How do you approach the passages in the Bible that talk about God’s creation (Genesis 1:1) while maintaining a positive attitude towards science?

How do you approach the passages in the Bible that talk about God’s creation (Genesis 1:1) while maintaining a positive attitude towards science?

I happen to have an advantage there because I am a nuclear physicist by training and a deeply committed Christian.


  1. It's easy if you apply just a little logic. Since a "day" to us is based on the rotation of the planet around the sun, clearly a "day" doesn't mean the same thing to God. Once you accept that, then a lot of other explanations fall into line. If you can't accept that, can you be helped? Probably not, move on.

  2. I was raised Catholic and my girlfriend grew up Baptist. We have some very interesting conversations. I just might have to buy his new book. He (Carter) has a great way of presenting his beliefs in a non-threatening way...
