Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Once again I shared this to "public" instead of the group. Luckily - one of my followers plussed it twice and I noticed that I'd forgot to post it here.

Once again I shared this to "public" instead of the group. Luckily - one of my followers plussed it twice and I noticed that I'd forgot to post it here.
(I just figured nobody in the WPP liked it) LOL

Originally shared by ted kelly

WPP2016 - Week 43 - Colors

+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron Sheldrick , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell



  1. Awesome image ted kelly ... love the colours.

  2. Thanks guys.
    Did you ever think that the sound of the camera in burst mode sounds almost like applause ?

  3. It does a bit, ted kelly :D And don't feel bad about forgetting to share it in here - I'm guilty of that all the time as I post public first then share. I like how you h and;ed the colors theme.

  4. Thanks Mary. I messed around with all sort of stuff from crayons to sunsets to shop displays, etc. I finally went, as I do sometimes when I'm stuck, to the library. I scanned through a few color related books from the design and photography sections and then took a break and read a short novel.
    The break time let my mind wander and when I was done I had a simple idea just pop up, Color is (or can be) just red, green and blue. Add some black and white and you can make any photo ever.
    I took a picture of three bottles of food coloring and looked at it for a while and voila'. It felt almost like I was in a darkroom and this concept was showing up in my mind like an image on paper in a developer tank.

  5. I work with Cub Scouts and at least once a year I have them play with food coloring using some whole milk or cream as a base and drop some canola oil and or dish soap in it just to see what will happen with the colors. It's a blast!
