Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Elizabeth Childs asked me if I had any thoughts about cameras with fast shutter speeds. She wants to take some pictures of her cats and a kitten. Now I'd say the cats aren't much of a problem. They're always either sleeping or taking a nap to get ready for sleeping so...

Elizabeth Childs asked me if I had any thoughts about cameras with fast shutter speeds. She wants to take some pictures of her cats and a kitten. Now I'd say the cats aren't much of a problem. They're always either sleeping or taking a nap to get ready for sleeping so...

Kittens, on the other hand can be challenging. A fast lens is good but even more so, a fast auto-focus is needed. Perhaps most important is having that camera handy to catch the little imps whenever and wherever they hit max-cuteness.

So with that in mind and now idea what price range she was considering, I took a quick peek at what's out there. I found this little gem via a Cnet article listed for (much) lower than $100.

It has a bigger than average sensor - and a pretty fast lens. It's small enough to fit in a pocket. It has lots of "scene" modes and shoots PASM (more control) as well as RAW. It will take an SD card and has some built in memory too. From personal experience, I can attest to how that one feature can save the day sometimes. It even has built in wi-fi, though only for transfer, not control. I'd think about getting one myself if it only had a viewfinder.

I would love to hear from anyone who has one, or even an opinion of it. A better/different suggestion would be cool too (hint hint). I provided a link from my preferred "review" site instead of the Cnet link. I like to use the same review source whenever I can when looking at different products. This one seems fair and doesn't hold back on negative comments. I've used them for a few years (and a few cameras) now.

So anyway~ if you made it this far ~ thanks in advance for your comments and suggestions. Let's get Elizabeth fixed up ASAP. We wouldn't want the internet to run out of cat pictures.

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