Elizabeth Childs asked me if I had any thoughts about cameras with fast shutter speeds. She wants to take some pictures of her cats and a kitten. Now I'd say the cats aren't much of a problem. They're always either sleeping or taking a nap to get ready for sleeping so...
Kittens, on the other hand can be challenging. A fast lens is good but even more so, a fast auto-focus is needed. Perhaps most important is having that camera handy to catch the little imps whenever and wherever they hit max-cuteness.
So with that in mind and now idea what price range she was considering, I took a quick peek at what's out there. I found this little gem via a Cnet article listed for (much) lower than $100.
It has a bigger than average sensor - and a pretty fast lens. It's small enough to fit in a pocket. It has lots of "scene" modes and shoots PASM (more control) as well as RAW. It will take an SD card and has some built in memory too. From personal experience, I can attest to how that one feature can save the day sometimes. It even has built in wi-fi, though only for transfer, not control. I'd think about getting one myself if it only had a viewfinder.
I would love to hear from anyone who has one, or even an opinion of it. A better/different suggestion would be cool too (hint hint). I provided a link from my preferred "review" site instead of the Cnet link. I like to use the same review source whenever I can when looking at different products. This one seems fair and doesn't hold back on negative comments. I've used them for a few years (and a few cameras) now.
So anyway~ if you made it this far ~ thanks in advance for your comments and suggestions. Let's get Elizabeth fixed up ASAP. We wouldn't want the internet to run out of cat pictures.
Thank you! That last comment made me laugh out loud literally.