Monday, May 9, 2016

WPP2016 - Week 17 - Vanishing Point

WPP2016 - Week 17 - Vanishing Point
I've often thought of the vanishing point as a sort of bridge to nowhere.
+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron S , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell



  1. I love the leafy arches and the rustic track. Great job with the theme there, ted kelly

  2. Thank you so much AS. I may just have to go back on a misty morning with my "real" camera to see what I can see.

  3. This really works and the inclusion of the bridge among the trees acts as a real focal point whilst adding some mystery.

  4. Cool find! I like the POV you chose.

  5. Wow, those are some old rails. Lovely shot Ted!
