Monday, May 16, 2016

I put this together a long time ago but it certainly is one way think about the theme - "still" life.

I put this together a long time ago but it certainly is one way think about the theme - "still" life.


  1. that definitely works for the theme. Well done ted kelly

  2. I really thought I was "hot shit" when I did this too. When I dug it up last night, I didn't know weather to laugh or cry. There are just so many boo-boos...
    In my defense though, I had really bad cataracts at the time and was half blind. Also the Short Mountain moonshine is some good stuff and I was also about half blind from that too.

  3. I was wishing I knew of an abandoned still somewhere to photograph for this theme! ;)

  4. Well - I'm not sure where you are Audrey, but I searched (googled) abandoned distellery and got like three hundred thousand results.

    maybe one of them ???

  5. Wow! I would have never guessed, ted kelly!
