Saturday, March 5, 2016

Two For One

Two For One
SOOC with my new (to me) Pentax X-5 with flash set to slow.

Any guesses about the caption ?

Originally shared by ted kelly

Two For One
WPP2016 - Week 09 - Action or Motion

+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron S , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell



  1. ted kelly ....ghost ball!! .... Nice one Ted... :-)

  2. Thanks Liz. Did you notice the two ball ?

  3. ted kelly ...yes...right behind the white one going down into the pocket...very clever to snap it before it disappeared... :-)
