Friday, March 11, 2016

Here's an example of a slower vs a faster shutter speed. The slower speed looks dreamier and the quicker one shows more detail on the water drops. If you were taking a picture of fireworks and had the shutter set very fast, you might not get the entire shot since it takes maybe a half second or so to see the trails of color.

Here's an example of a slower vs a faster shutter speed. The slower speed looks dreamier and the quicker one shows more detail on the water drops. If you were taking a picture of fireworks and had the shutter set very fast, you might not get the entire shot since it takes maybe a half second or so to see the trails of color.
I read this over a couple of day recently and thought it covered a lot of ground in an easy to digest sort of way. I bookmarked it and read a page or two every day as a sort of refresher.  You should take a look at it, there are some cool pix and a cool way to think about images.

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