Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I pray often and for many things. Sometime on my knees but more often while I'm walking or driving or just enjoying the day. There have been times in my when most of my praying has been "while drowning". I have discovered though that the more time I spend praying about my gratitude, the more I realize how much I have to be grateful for.


  1. I find that same truth also ted kelly​..

  2. That tornado must have been scary, ted kelly . Glad to see no one was hurt.

  3. Well Lady Katie I was a little bit apprehensive when the siren (about a block away) went off. To be honest though, my prayer at the time was something like, "Let us all be safe and if I'm going to die let me get a really good shot on my way out". Then I grabbed a camera and went outside.
