Monday, February 9, 2015

Grrr... I have tried so many different ideas for shadows and just can't make myself like even one of them. But time and tide wait for nobody, right ?

Grrr... I have tried so many different ideas for shadows and just can't make myself like even one of them. But time and tide wait for nobody, right ?
WPP 2015 - Week 06 - Shadows
Weekly Photo Project 2015 curated by Alen Ianni , Bernhard Rembold , Cliff Loresco , Francesco Scaglioni , Heather D ,  Ken Fowkes ,  Navin Upendran  , Robyn King and T.E. Smith


  1. Thanks HD. I will say that I'm learning to try to make the shot come alive instead of just relying on serendipity. It's really a good lesson that makes you work and think and stretch, right ?

  2. ted kelly...well nice enough Ted....well done... :-)

  3. There is a rather grand understated feel here which works for me :))

  4. I've been there too ted kelly.  After struggling with a theme it is always interesting to look through what other's did with it.

  5. AHA ! That just might be my problem Ken. (LOL) I should refrain from looking at what others have done so I wont look at mine and weep...

  6. Ken Fowkes I tend to find that I have an idea for a theme then someone posts a far better version of it than I could make so I end up starting again from square one :(

  7. ted kelly and Francesco Scaglioni LOL!  Last year I made a point of never looking until after I posted mine for this very reason.  As a curator this year I can't get away with that, so I've been trying to post early instead.  Not gonna make it this week!  Aaugh!

  8. I've taken a different approach, and try to get mine out there first.  That way, I can imagine everyone copying me (even though I'm probably copying something I've seen before).
