Saturday, February 21, 2015

#baturday Keep your bats warm !

#baturday  Keep your bats warm !


  1. I love how the article minimizes things by saying some people might need medication. It's not medication so much as shots. Painful shots. My guess is that anyone who shows up to the doctor to discuss possible exposure will be instructed to get the series of shots since the disease is undetectable in the early stages and fatal to all who contract it.

  2. I'd obviously get them if I were scratched or bitten but I'd have to give it some thought if I weren't. It's a scary prospect to be sure.

  3. I had friends who found a dead bat in the house. They had absolutely no belief that there had been contact between them and the bat. But the doc said they could have been bitten unknowingly and therefore made them all get the shots!

  4. hmmph... Maybe I'd feel different if I was "there" ?
