Saturday, February 21, 2015

#accidentallyonpurpose It's not what I was hoping for but I think it fits the category.

#accidentallyonpurpose  It's not what I was hoping for but I think it fits the category.


  1. Very nice ted kelly.  If half my shots that weren't what I wanted were this good I'd be thrilled.

  2. Sometimes I get lucky, Byron. You should cloick on the #accidentallyawesome  tag sometime :+)

  3. Thanks for the suggestion ted kelly. I'll definitely check it out

  4. Byron Sheldrick There isn't much on that tag yet. Ted and I just made it up recently but I'm hoping to make it a non-theme of sorts. Definitely use it and show us your accidentally awesome photos. :)

  5. What a fabulous idea Nancy Levan.  I'll definitely check it out and try to post.

  6. I like this!  And I'm definitely going to have shots to post with this tag!  Being a newbie and not knowing how to use my camera results in some cool accidents!
