Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Years everybody. I've started a new black and white photo project. Every other week I'll be posting one for a theme. This week it's about defining your goal for 2015. I intend to take charge of my camera and my imagination and sometimes even the light so as to show you what I see and not just what I can find.

Happy New Years everybody. I've started a new black and white photo project. Every other week I'll be posting one for a theme. This week it's about defining your goal for 2015. I intend to take charge of my camera and my imagination and sometimes even the light so as to show you what I see and not just what I can find.
I hope this works - I've tried to make a cut and paste thingie for the theme and curators. If it doesn't then I'll have to edit them in and keep trying...
Brandon Luk 
+LauriNovak Lauri Novak 
+AlisonChristensen Alison Christensen 
Tisha Montgomery


  1. Well done! Looking forward to seeing what new games you can play with your camera!

  2. Thanks  Lauri Novak. So far I've learned that when your main lighting is incandescent and you try to fill with LED, it's good to go B&W in processing. That's one good way to chase away the blues.
    Elizabeth Childs. Good luck with your goals. I've enjoyed your photos lately  I have to confess that I've never (yet) actually listened to your show. I'm looking forward to it this year though.

  3. Tisha Montgomery Thanks and that would be great, I was going to do one and give it to you but it was trickier than I remembered. This is going to be a great project in a great year,
    Alan Bland Thanks and  yeah, I'm looking forward to what the new year reveals. (lol)

  4. Fun shot and great goals ted kelly :)

  5. Sounds good, looks good, ted kelly :-)

  6. Great goals. Look forward seeing what you do!

  7. I love that game!!
    (Were we supposed to tag the curators too? Oops!)
    Great shot too ted kelly!

  8. This game is a killer! I Farkle way too often!!

    Love the tones in this shot, even if it is an evil game!  ;)

  9. ooh, this sounds like fun! Great to have you playing along!_
