Friday, January 16, 2015

I got a lot out of this weeks project. I started out thinking I just couldn't "do" macro. I don't have a fancy camera or macro lenses etc. So I tried a variety of things from extreme zooming to buying a magnifying glass with little luck.

I got a lot out of this weeks project. I started out thinking I just couldn't "do" macro. I don't have a fancy camera or macro lenses etc. So I tried a variety of things from extreme zooming to buying a magnifying glass with little luck.
Eventually I broke out a ruler and went to manual focus and - voila...
Week 2/26: Macro
#BWProject26 | Curated by Tisha Montgomery Brandon Luk Lauri Novak Alison Christensen


  1. Amazing details and metal feel with the processing!

  2. Thanks everyone. I did "shop in" the background and did a little fiddling with the shadow but other than that- just a desaturate and a little contrast boost...
    Oh wait - I did add a teeny touch of cartoon to enhance the shadows.

  3. A fantastic result ted kelly! I really like that you have included your strategies.

  4. I think it's best because then others feel free to share their ideas. That's usually how I learn things.

  5. So true Ted - it is one of the great things about G+

  6. Such a great shot ted kelly  
    Just remember that little lection..
    If you don't even try you could never succeed

  7. Very nice work !! had the same issue this week as I don't have any macro equipment.
