Monday, September 29, 2014

This made for an interesting afternoon.

This made for an interesting afternoon.


  1. ted kelly Hi ted, if you put a light coating of petroleum jelly on the terminal when you have the cable end off it will cut down on corrosion some.  After coating the battery post with petroleum jelly just reconnect.
    Had to fix a few of them myself.  Always at the worst possible times it seems.

  2. Or coke lol. Looks like a new battery in your future.

  3. Elizabeth Childs The coke will clean it.  The petroleum jelly is a preventative measure after it's clean...It's the phosphoric acid in the coke that cleans it away.  It will actually deteriorate a penny in a couple days if placed inside a coke.

  4. Gosh guys that was a nice conversation. It reminded of being back home with mom and dad (lol)
