Saturday, October 19, 2013

I like to get my info right from the source. Sure, like any good liberal (leaning) person I try to get an occasional dose of wing nut radio. I don't watch TV any more so I don't get much of the other side (wing bolt ?) Of the story but I'm ok with that because the is no shortage of that stuff on the "G".

I like to get my info right from the source. Sure, like any good liberal (leaning) person I try to get an occasional dose of wing nut radio. I don't watch TV any more so I don't get much of the other side (wing bolt ?) Of the story but I'm ok with that because the is no shortage of that stuff on the "G".
So anyway, here's a randomly selected story from a premier Tea Party publication.


  1. So I take it you would be in favor of arresting all the 'anarchists' and 'dissenters'? And do what with them?

  2. Oh Kelly Rittenbach
    Ummm.. arm them or buy them a beer ?
     I might not have been clear. I'm an occupier. I don't approve of extremist action, but I seriously lean towards the left...
