Sunday, July 14, 2013

I was mortified last night. I really and strongly believe that the acquittal was wrong. I wasn't there when it began but I still felt justified in the certainty of my opinion. I believe it's important though to keep foremost in my mind a few things that I will try hard to keep focused on.

I was mortified last night. I really and strongly believe that the acquittal was wrong. I wasn't there when it began but I still felt justified in the certainty of my opinion. I believe it's important though to keep foremost in my mind a few things that I will try hard to keep focused on.
* Racism may have influenced the start of this tragic chain of events
   but it should not affect the conclusion. 
* Outside of that jury room, we are not here to judge that man. God will
    take care of that.
*  Only God can know what was in his heart that night. We are all most
    likely wrong in our understanding of what happened.
* Jesus loves Mr Zimmerman. He died for his benefit. Love the sinner.
    Once we figure out how to do that, there will be plenty of time to 
     hate the sin.
So my prayers are offered for both families and to us all. We may not understand God's plans for us but we should honor them and of course Him. Have a blessed #sacredsunday  and enjoy some good old gospel music.