Saturday, July 13, 2013

Haters gotta hate...

Haters gotta hate...

Originally shared by Dr. Kurt Smith

Save Google+ From Caturday -- Please HELP!

BREAKING NEWS -- It's finally happened, Google+ has been taken over by #caturday . I'm searching through my circles today to find some intelligent posts to comment on and I keep finding more and more #caturday  posts. I'm thinking, "What's up?" Well here's what:

The Dog Press (DP) now reports that #caturday  has taken over Google+ Headquarters. Yes, it's true! What started out as a few plussers posting cute cat pics, that grew into #caturday  every Saturday, and now has become #caturdayeveryday , has finally resulted in a take over of Google+. The #caturday  lovers have taken control. UGH!!!

Many seemingly normal plussers have been infected by the #caturday  virus says the DP (Dog Press). martin shervington Amanda Blain to name a few, and of course the worst of all is Krystyn Chong, who's lost her mind to #caturdayeveryday . It now seems that every day guy Tim Moore has been infected too. Don't be fooled, they look like normal plussers I know, but #caturday  has snatched their minds.

I've learned that we have the next 48 hours to spread this message about the #caturday  take over and stop #caturdayeveryday  from being the only posts allowed on Google+.

Please Join the Campaign to Save Google+ From #caturday . If you haven't been infected yet, please share this post to warn others. We all love Google+, but what we become of it if #caturdayeveryday  takes full control forever?

BTW, if my profile goes blank you know what happened to me - they got to me too. Please help!
