Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I've been seeing this, a glimpse here and there for some time now. The poem seems to be playing with me like the lake was playing with the poet.

I've been seeing this, a glimpse here and there for some time now. The poem seems to be playing with me like the lake was playing with the poet.

Originally shared by olga belov

the blue eye of lake
disappears from the view
hiding behind the turn
shows itself again,
as winking, smiling


  1. Thank you. Olga is a gem. She has the soul of a poet and her Haiku is a treasure.

  2. ted kelly Thank you so so much, dear Ted!
    such  nice words about me!
    HAIKU 5-7--5 ... is my page here in google+
    if somebody will be interested

  3. thank lots for +++
    ted kelly
    Valerie Clark
    Kathryne Gayle
    Songchai Saetern
    shine allen
