Heres an idea - if you really hate the new +1 thingie so much - why not try interaction in a more tangible way. Leave a comment, ask a question maybe express your reactions and thoughts instead of just hitting the button. Who know, maybe the + might go back to the way it was when...
Ehhh, who am I kidding. sigh
Fine, I'll go stick my plusses in a sock if they bug y'all that much.
Ila East - good morning. As of yesterday Google has started to add content to your stream based on your friends +1ing things. Some people are very upset about it. I've seen more than a few peeps begging everyone to change their settings and/or stop all the plussing. A few are even threatening to "rage quit" if we don't follow their demands. For the record- I'm slightly amused both by the changes and the (over) reactions.
ReplyDeletehehehe ^ (+1) ^