Saturday, February 25, 2012

World Sword Swallower's Day 2012

World Sword Swallower's Day 2012

"SSAI is a private organization dedicated to networking the last few existing sword swallowers around the world, promoting dialogue between sword swallowers, encouraging safe swordswallowing practices and techniques, and preserving and promoting the art of swordswallowing worldwide."


  1. I love you, Ted. Just wanted you to know.

  2. Thank you. The feeling is mutual. I won't gush and fawn and stuff but I sometimes think I would (almost) want to trade places with you. Like the problems you live with would be worth it just to feel what it's like to be you.

  3. Nah -- I wouldn't wish the physical pain I go through on anyone -- but thank you.

  4. "encouraging safe swordswallowing practices and techniques" ...whoa. Next up, OSHA regs for snake handling!
