GoogleMinus Sine I've got it back about a dozen. Most were missing in action when I looked and a few for imagined slights or because they didn't understand something I posted (presumably). In the past though - I had several people uncircle me by mistake. I was able to send them a msg. and retrieve them. That is why I think this ext. is indispensable.
Thanks for using and sharing the app. How many people have uncircled you since you installed it?
ReplyDeleteGoogleMinus Sine I've got it back about a dozen. Most were missing in action when I looked and a few for imagined slights or because they didn't understand something I posted (presumably). In the past though - I had several people uncircle me by mistake. I was able to send them a msg. and retrieve them. That is why I think this ext. is indispensable.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. If you really love it, please leave a good review on the Chrome Webstore. We need some good reviews. Thanks again!