Sunday, February 26, 2012

Joan Kain - Ila (Eye ell aye) East - C Corey Fisk - Dori East - Bliss Morgan - Jaana Nystrom - Joyce Donahue - Morgaine LeFaye

Joan Kain - Ila (Eye ell aye) East - C Corey Fisk - Dori East - Bliss Morgan - Jaana Nystrom - Joyce Donahue - Morgaine LeFaye
hmmm... all women, that's curious.... most are married and Joan and C Corey's s/o's are very good peeps....

it's a very short list -but all good peeps and interesting and engaging.

1 comment:

  1. on the left side is chat - I think you have to turn it on from Chrome but it might be through g-mail I'll send a shot
