Here's an interesting take on the subject. The NatReview would like us to understand the the hysteria over the E.O. is just wrong. As a liberal, I think it's vital to try to understand the opposing views for a variety of good reasons.
See what you think. Read this with an open mind rather that in a spirit of disagreement. Then see if you agree with my 1st. comment.
About a third of the way down I noticed this little gem.
ReplyDelete"It is important that we provide sufficient aid and protection to keep refugees safe and healthy in place, but it is not necessary to bring Syrians to the United States to fulfill our vital moral obligations."
Silly old me snowflake that I am, I read that to mean that the point is - we are morally obligated to put some boots on the ground. I guess we just have to, right ?
For most of my life, I considered myself to be a fairly conservative fellow, but now I find myself out on the lunatic left fringe, according to NatRev. Odd how I've changed.
ReplyDeleteWalter Hawn You know that theory about multiple universes ? Maybe we just slipped into some sort of portal.