Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Remember the hashtagged themes ? Back in the good old days, before communities and collections and who knows what, the peeps used to "own" the circleverse. We didn't just jump through google hoops - we whooped up our own hoops.

Remember the hashtagged themes ? Back in the good old days, before communities and collections and who knows what, the peeps used to "own" the circleverse. We didn't just jump through google hoops - we whooped up our own hoops.
Sure, we still have caturday and wordlessonwednesday and some others but we even lost sketchgurusaturday and darn it, I was right in the middle of that myself.
So I'm going to start a new one. Maybe it will take off and maybe it won't but I think it's time to maketheplusgreatagain !
Therefor I give you - #allwivesmatter  
Give us photos, blogs, songs or even write some poetry for your wives and feel free to tag me (or not) Let's show the world what is really important to us.