Tuesday, July 5, 2016

I was "challenged" to post the "as originally written" Pledge of Allegiance with a picture of a flag today. They posted the Francis Bellamy version that didn't include the (added much later) "under God" part.

I was "challenged" to post the "as originally written" Pledge of Allegiance with a picture of a flag today. They posted the Francis Bellamy version that didn't include the (added much later) "under God" part.
To be honest, I agree with their sentiments. When the government tries to ignore the separation clause it offends me. As a "believer" I think the government should stay out of my religion. As a citizen I feel just as strongly that the church should keep their hands off of my government.
Oddly enough, the Bellamy "original" version actually took God out of the pledge. Bellamy BTW was a Baptist minister. I think it's funny how people get mad at religions when more often than not it's the religion getting used and abused and twisted up.
In any case - the main purpose of the pledge seems to be working out well. It was meant as a way to sell more flags and by gosh I think it's working.
(not to mention the fireworks, country music and lapel pins)

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