Sunday, June 19, 2016

I shutter to think about what happens next.

I shutter to think about what happens next.
#punday   #sundaypunday  Roy Manterfield Max Madrasi Elizabeth Childs


  1. My old digital camera was called Gary; I wondered where he'd got to.

  2. Max Madrasi Fascinating, but what a shame; I hope he can find a way to keep the archives.

  3. Roy Manterfield The sensible thing to do would be for National Archives to step in - pay sizeable compensation - & take it into their own.

    But they way we (Indians) treat our National Museums is also a question of worry. Add in the quacks in this administration, it is ... better do some yoga, meditation, etc. to cool down (and the quacks too)

  4. The loss of the National Museum of Natural History is awful, all the time and effort that must have gone into so many irreplaceable exhibits over the decades. Very sad.
