Thursday, February 11, 2016

Sharing only as a test.

Sharing only as a test.
Would somebody try this link to the picture and tell me what happens please. It didn't work for somebody else last night but worked for me this morning.
Christian Madsen - here's that picture in case you were curious about it. I took five shots in portrait and ICE'd them down. Lousy lighting, jpeg and auto setting on camera. Also: I don't really like to be out in the cold. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. {LOL}


  1. I still get an 404 google error could it be that you haven't shared the image/album that the image is in...
    How many images were stitched together for this image?

  2. Hmm - could be. I did share it public on this post though ??? This was five shots.

  3. The image does in the post but the shortened link gives a 404. Did you generate the short link or did it get created automatically when you shared: I thought photo shares had a much longer URL.

  4. ted kelly the full url still gives a 404 error, if you see it when clicking it I believe it is a permission thing on the image within "Google Photos" ;))

  5. Works fine - long or short link, logged in or out. As long as the post is "public" ye should be fine.

  6. Arrrrrgh ! 
    I mean - thank Cap'n ! I'll just chalk it up to a case of "google being google" I guess. The first time I tried it returned  a really really long URL so I used gogl to shorten it. This morning I got the link from the shared post and it was a lot smaller. Somethings it seems are just a mystery - just like IRL...

  7. Capt. John Swallow I had no trouble using the short link from your comment either. My curiosity is piqued now.

  8. ted kelly
     I suspect the issue is with the link - ye may have dropped a character when ye pasted it in. Try this:

    Ye DID use the little drop down on the post to grab the link, didn't ye?
    Additionally, here's a short link to just the image...though less interesting than yer post, it works.

  9. oooh - I like that last one. bigger is almost always better !
